A Data-Driven Dental Marketing AGency With Teeth
300K Of Them

We’re The Marketing Agency that Published the DDMI, The Industry’s Most Comprehensive Data Resource For Dental Marketing.

What Works in dental marketing

Image of the Dental Digital Marketing Index report cover
A Data-Driven Dental Marketing AGency With Teeth
300K Of Them

We’re The Marketing Agency that Published the DDMI, The Industry’s Most Comprehensive Data Resource For Dental Marketing.

What Works in dental marketing

Image of the Dental Digital Marketing Index report cover
A Data-Driven Dental Marketing AGency With Teeth
300K Of Them

We’re The Marketing Agency that Published the DDMI, The Industry’s Most Comprehensive Data Resource For Dental Marketing.

What Works in dental marketing

Image of the Dental Digital Marketing Index report cover

Five Proven STeps To Practice Growth

1. Build a website that converts

2. Add lots of quality SEO content

3. Build a strong Google My Business Profile

4. Produce engaging social activity

5. Add a splash of Ads

6. And a Practical Marketing Analytics platform

Ok, Six Steps

1. Your Website Is Your Digital Marketing HQ

Built for mobile? With online schedulers? Analytics baked in? Oh, and a great user experience? Check.

Your website should do two things extremely well: 1. Convert visitors to patients; and 2. track everything so you understand what works (and what doesn't). Yes, your website should be visually stunning and easy to navigate, but more than this it should give web visitors the information and queues needed to get them into your waiting room.

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2. Quality SEO content Drives Growth

Top-performing dental practices get roughly 35% of new patients from SEO, and have more than 150 pages of SEO content.

SEO is not the mystery that some have made it out to be. For dental practices, the math is actually pretty simple. You should target adding between 5 - 10 webpages of SEO content along with 2 - 3 referring domains, every month. Making this actually happen, however, can be a challenge. That's why we're here to help.

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3. Google Reviews Are Critical To Local Search

If you're not getting at least 10 Google reviews, per location, per month, your practice may be in trouble. Top practices get more than 30—and they affect your local search rank.

Google Reviews are a double whammy. First, they matter to getting found in local search (Google has made that clear), but beyond this, they are a critical part of the selection process (have you ever wanted to try a new restaurant with 10 reviews and a 2.2 average rating?). In the age of "mobile everything", and with "near me" search trends accelerating, reviews are arguably the most important strategic marketing asset of all.

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4. Social Engagement Also Drives Growth

For some practices, social engagement drives most of their patient acquisition. You should be shooting for about 50 points of engagement each month.

Facebook and Instagram likes, reactions and especially shares/re-shares are a sign of a healthy practice. Not only do they dramatically increase your digital reach, but they are also a critical part of the new patient journey. They humanize your practice and connect with your prospective patients in ways that no other medium can.

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5. Yep, You Should Do Some Paid Ads

A healthy practice will have 200 - 300 visits each month from paid ads. Scary-good practices will surgically target the competition and micro-target their neighborhoods.

It's easy to waste a lot of money on paid ads, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. Top practices do it a lot, and there's some basic principles you can apply for yourself without breaking the bank.

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6. Practices That Want To Grow Need Analytics

So you added 33 new patients this month? Bravo! Will you do it again next month? Do you really know for sure?

Practice owners have a lot of hats to wear, often including that of the practicing dentist. It's no wonder that marketing and business analytics aren't top-of-mind. But for practices that are serious about growth, they should be. Simply put, if you don't measure your patient acquisition efforts, you're basically guessing.

We literally take the guess work out of patient acquisition with the best analytics engine for dental practices.

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